About Us

About Us

About Us

Support people in extreme need

Dreams got transformed into realise when a few passionate pair together and ideated to set course to the concept of 'Give a Hand Foundation'. We are not kidding when we ran out the figures that many children serve as child labour in the age of 5-18 and crime against children has increased five times over with thousands going missing daily. Mal nourishment and atrocities against girl child are increasing day by day. Against this backdrop, Mr. Mohan Raj, the managing trustee And Ms. Ponsineka. P, the Trustee set up this organisation to extend a helping hand to alleviate the existing miserable condition of our children by helping them get basic education, taking care of their nutrition in their daily diet and giving them good medical treatment as and when the need arises

Our Core Values

To built lasting changes in the children’s life by incorporating human values in their lifestyle in spite of the struggle experienced in the initial years:


Besides being honest and responsible, they are made to understand that every action of theirs has a consequence and it will hold them in good stead if they make informed choices to live a good life.


As they become responsible for their actions they learn to own up to their mistakes in case things don’t work out and have the strength to rise up again.


If we show them respect they would reciprocate and respect you back. We produce a model to them by leading our lives with care and they are sure to repeat what they see.


Children should be given the freedom to freely express themselves without being judged. The ability for a child to create something from personal feelings can nurture their emotional health. Care is taken that nutritious food is provided and there is enough stock of stationery for their regular studies. The Trust also gives them ample opportunities to showcase their extra-curricular talent in the Annual celebration events.

Registration Number - TN/2021/0272514
PAN Number - AADTG6629C


12AB Certificate


CSR approval certificate


